Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequently asked questions for #Past life Regression

Are there occurrences of true past lives in past life therapy?

There are two components in the procedure – (a) Past life (b) Therapy. Scores of researches have demonstrated the genuineness of the second component i.e. therapy. It is now well accepted that the procedure could produce therapeutic effects in those conditions in which otherwise there may not be any quick and powerful remedy. The procedure is becoming more and more popular because of its therapeutic effects. The first component has invoked a lot of controversy. The studies on reincarnation have already demonstrated ‘reincarnation hypothesis’ as plausible one. A few researches on the verification of the ‘life’ accessed through these procedures have found existence of ‘previous’ personalities recalled by the clients. The scientific researches are still going on to explore the ‘truth’ in previous life. Until conclusive evidence are available one can not claim of reincarnation hypothesis in this procedure.

Is the procedure effective only on the clients who believe in reincarnation?

No, Past life Therapy can be applied in any suitable subject irrespective of her belief system, religious background, caste, and creed.

Does a person report the same geographic region, gender and other attributes as are in current existence?

Not necessarily, a person may report his previous existence in a foreign land, of an opposite gender, different religion and caste.

What if some stays back in previous life and is not able to come back?

Impossible! A person is not physically transported in previous time. This procedure is not a time machine. The person stays in the current time and does not loose connection with his current environment.

If a hindi speaking person narrates his previous existence in france, what is his language of expression in the session?

One reports in one’s current language not in the language of previous existence. However, a few persons may also demonstrate xenoglossy.

What is these are not true past lives, then what's the point?

As mentioned above, the primary purpose of the procedure is not to debate on the existence of previous lives, but to produce healing effects, which may otherwise not be attainable.

If the existence of previous lives is still controversial, the why is it given the name past life therapy/regression?

Very simple. The clients narrate the content and context in such a manner which appear to be previous lives.

Are there any side effects?

Like any other powerful medicine, it also has its side effects and complications. Some clients have reported temporary interferences in memory, increased irritability, aggression and fears.

On what premise does past life regression therapy work?

It is well accepted that early traumas in current life may produce psychological problems in later life. Past life regression is a downward extension of the concept. That is, not only the traumatic events of one’s current life but also that of ‘previous’ existence can produce psychological problems in current life. The effective remedy is to trace and resolve the root trauma.

In India quite a large segment of the population believes in reincarnation, why is the procedure not popular?

Only a few professionals are practicing Past life Therapy in this country. There are a few training programs available to interested professionals. However, it is steadily becoming more familiar in India too.

Is there any failure in attaining deep relaxation and subsequent procedure?

The ability to attain deep relaxation is determined by a number of factors. Every one can not attain the required level of depth in relaxation necessary for Past life regression. However, one may wish to continue to expose oneself to the procedure, as with repeated efforts, some persons attain sufficient depth.

If there are previous lives as narrated by clients, there must be a period between lives. What about that?

If there are true previous existences, there could be existences in some forms in between physical lives also. In fact, some clients do report that too and gain deep insight and relief from their suffering.

How does one experience these so called "Previous" lives?

The client experiences the past events as mental movies, slides, images, thoughts, feelings and sensations.

What if researched failed to establish the validity of previous lives?

No problem! It would be welcome and accepted as such. The applications of the Past life regression would continue to grow as its therapeutic effects are independent of the validity and belief in the concept of reincarnation or continuity of life.

How can you say these are past lives?

We don’t say these are past lives. These could very well be fabrications that appear to be past lives.

Do you recommend past life regression therapy alone or a combination with pharmalogical treatment?

Proper medical examination and treatment is essentially recommended. This can be used as a supplement after recommendation from your medical consultant.

What are other names of past life regression therapy?

Ans. Past life Therapy, Past life Regression, Regression Therapy, Past life Regression Therapy, Reincarnation Therapy.

Do dreams have any contribution in past life regression therapy?

Dreams can be classified in three categories – (a) wish fulfilling, (b) predictive of objective future events, (c) related to ‘previous lives’. Dreams may also relate to ‘previous life’

Are any mantras used to access past life?

Not at all, No mantra or mystical phenomena is utilized.

What will happen to me when I access a "previous" life?

Nothing to be scared! You will simply have sort of mental movies/slides/thoughts of ‘previous’ existence. If any trauma emerges it would be taken care of and resolved leading to instant healing.

Can I see my future life during the session?

There are some practitioners who practice ‘progression’ as well. Therefore, you may also look into your future through these procedures.

Where can I find scientific information on reincarnation?

You may read the works of Prof. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Satwant Pasricha.

What are the reactions of people in general towards the procedure?

We have both positive and negative reactions as is expected for a new concept, ranging from disbelief, criticism, ridicule, acceptance, experimentation, fear, anxiety, enthusiasm.

Nature intended that one should not remember one's "previous" existences. Is it against the law of nature to uncover it?

The same nature has provided the gift for uncovering and utilizing it in the best interest of the humanity.

How are side effects managed?

Most of the side effects are temporary. With passage of time they disappear. At time posthypnotic suggestions are required. In some cases medical consultation may be required.

What if no traumatic link emerges during the past life regression?

There are instances when a ‘previous’ existence without any traumatic experiences emerges. Such sessions may not produce any perceptible changes in the client.

Does anyone report any life in which they functioned at a higher level than the current one?

Some clients spontaneously relive a ‘previous’ existence of higher achievements and abilities than the current one. Occasionally, it is deliberately invoked. The recollections of such an existence are utilized in positive ways to link and derive the abilities of that existence in current.

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