A recurring bad episode/experience which does not go away means it goes all the way back to cosmic ancestors. They fought the same battles and felt the same pain. Something that just doesn’t go away, means that there is a lot of energy charge/emotional bonds/psychic bonds/trauma bonds attached.
If you hate someone, you just feel extreme hatred for this person and may not know where this is coming from. It is coming from the sum of your ancestors feelings, subconsciousness, emotional baggage, karmic lessons. This kind of lessons are difficult but not impossible to dissolve.

Clearing bloodlines through Ancestral Healing helps with this.
During all of this, somehow, we have to heal our ancestral lineage, earth’s bloodline, all the way to all the ancestors who make part of us, then heal our collective race and family, then heal our cosmic and galactic bloodline.

Severing the inner cords within and taking responsibility for your life is what one should aim for.
So, Are you the one who can bring that change? Are you the one who can free yourself and next generation from the generational trauma?