If you widen your perception, you will observe that nothing in your life is random. We all are in bondage of causation and effect. There is an illusion of freedom but in reality, our life is a by-product of uncountable subtle and gross factors.

One such story was of Mrs. Priya (Alias). She came to MindAccess for her adopted son, Ishant. Mrs. Priya had adopted Ishant when he was 1year and 3 months old. Unfortunately, Ishant didn’t turn out the way Priya expected. Instead, Ishant was disobedient, out of control, aggressive, hyper & abusive.

Priya was looking for answers on how she could improve her relationship with her son to guide improvement in his behavior

During the therapy, a lot was known about Mrs. Priya’s current and past life. Through a surrogate therapy session a lot of truths and hidden feelings came to light which were causing her problems with Ishant. She had a vision of herself in a pink marble palace in Arabia in the year 1542 AD. She found that one of her female maids was her grandmother in this life. Through further exploration, it was revealed that Mrs. Priya had unconsciously suppressed her ability to conceive as a form of revenge against her mother-in-law, who she felt was controlling and had not allowed her to stay with her mother after her father passed away. Additionally, she held subconscious anger towards her husband for not supporting her enough during this difficult time. This revelation was a surprise to Mrs. Priya as she had no conscious knowledge of these feelings.

After the revelations, a surrogate connection was established with Priya’s husband’s soul and her Mother-in-Law’s soul wherein Priya subconsciously forgave her husband and Mother-in-Law respectively.

Then we connected with Ishant’s soul via surrogate healing wherein Ishant understood the situation and promised to be obedient and thoughtful.

A month later, we had another session with Mrs. Priya. Here she confessed the following in her own words:

“With Ishant, I’m finding results, he is now understanding the need to study and is behaving matured.”

“Emotional connect with my husband has increased and the anger and frustration has reduced.”

“With Mother in Law, I’m still trying to figure it out.”

Post this we did a Future life Progression wherein Mrs. Priya saw that everything has worked out well with Ishant and she was a happy mother and a happy woman. Priya expressed that going through future life progression and seeing the positive outcome gave her confidence and motivation to continue working on her relationships.

Through surrogate therapy, we were able to help multiple people!

It seems Hypnotherapy is not magic, it’s a science of knowledge and compassion. Mindaccess is determined to help those who do not know where to seek it. We intend to make every life better. Your life should be about quality and we work to ensure that we deliver it to you.